Member Signup
Proudly serving the citizens of the Laramie community since 1986
Check out what events are coming your way
Learn how you can become a member today!
Have questions? Contact LRRC today!
We have proudly served the citizens of Laramie and the surrounding community since 1986. We have a variety of ranges for your enjoyment and every year allow hunters to use our ranges to sight in their rifles, all to have that perfect shot. To our neighboring states, if you would like a range to shoot at; we have open membership with no membership caps and you will get full access year round. We also have great prices on family and individual memberships!
Private Range - Membership required. Check the event calendar for New Member Orientation and Public Access days
Members have the privilege of using all eleven ranges on a 365 day basis. New members must attend an orientation meeting before they may use the range - NO exceptions. Some ranges may be closed for competition and will reopen when completed
Become A Member
We are not a full-time staffed range. Ranges are not available to non-members unless it is a public day; a special event/competition is advertised; or they are sponsored and acompanied at all times by a member. We do not sell or rent firearms and we do not sell ammo. We do have a selection of targets for sale in the range clubhouse. Please look at our calendar to see dates available to the public. Range is open to members 1/2 hr before local sunrise to 1/2 hr after local sunset 365 days a year.
Are you interested in becoming a life member? We have a few life memberships available for sale. Cost is $1,800. Contact a board member for more information.
Expanded Wyoming Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) Permit Reciprocity
Wyoming House Bill HB0172 repeals most Gun Free Zones effective July 1,2025. In response, the Laramie Rifle Range will have NRA vendor sponsored Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) training classes available. Watch the event calendar for dates, fees, and details.
You must use you access card for entry into the range and the clubhouse. Members can log in and view the "Gate and Clubhouse Access" page for more info. If you need your access card, it can be picked up on public days or email for other arrangements.
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